Monday, October 26, 2009


As I mentioned in the previous post, last week was a rather emotionally stressful week. This week began with me walking into our hagwon to find out that one of the students has come down with H1N1. Now, the South Koreans are incredibly paranoid about this sort of thing- so all of the parents yanked their kids out of the school for an entire week! We sat around all day without any kindergarten classes to teach. Some elementary students came early in the afternoon and their were some international students later, but for the most part we sat in the office all day doing nothing. As far as we can tell, kindergarten is going to be closed all week and it may be that we'll have to "make up" the lost days by going in the next five Saturdays. This has yet to be determined. (Arg.)
In addition, we have a new teacher coming in tomorrow. Ahhh!
Please, God, let this week get better.

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