After the explanation of Easter we had an Easter egg hunt:
As you can see it was quite the experience. Nick burst into tears because he only found FOUR eggs. I tried to explain to him that he found just as many (if not more) than the other children, but he refused to be solaced. Logic+child=fail.
We also "colored" our own Easter eggs! There were no dye kits, so we used crayons and pens. The effect was interesting. Of course a few kids managed to crack/drop their eggs on the floor. It was still a really memorable experience. I had a lot of fun with my egg, as you can see.
After school, we headed over with our coworkers to a baseball game! Our local team is called the SK Wyverns (apparently Wyvern is some type of dragon). The game was a really fun experience. I hardly watched the playing since there was so much intense cheering going on. Many of the people in the crowd had a bunch of plastic clappers that they hit together. The collective noise is deafening! Here's a sample:
A dancing Wyvern.
The crowd with their clappers.
On Saturday we took it easy around the house, I worked on my writing and David worked on his photography. Early Sunday morning we went into Seoul and attended the Easter service at our church. It was a good service (although nothing close to what I'm used to at home) and afterward we got to enjoy the hospitality of our friends Eli and Sangju Miller and their adorable daughter Selah. We had Easter brunch with them and went hiking up the mountain. (Pictures to come, David hasn't finished editing them yet).
2 things: 1, how do you write Sci-Fi/Fantasy and not know what a Wyvern is, and 2, sweet egg coloring skills.