Monday, November 16, 2009


The past three weeks have been so ridiculously haphazard: first with the departure of our dear friends Brett and Abbi and the arrival of our new teachers, then with my contraction of the swine flu. Now that I'm finally getting back into a normal schedule, things feel weird. After a week of being sick and staying home, I forgot how much I have to teach in a normal day. It's a long time- but I've really enjoyed spending time with my kindergarteners. My class is relatively calm and chatty, so I can sit and talk to them about stuff for a whole hour in the morning. It's pretty cool. I've gotten to know them really well. They're neat people. :)
This weekend the temperatures plummeted to below freezing. Normally Koreans heat their houses by heating water pipes beneath the floors, but our floor is broken. :( Apparently it's unfixable as well. So all we have is a tiny little space heater that we place on the floor between us. I've been discovering other innovative ways to keep warm: bundle up in lots of layers, take warm showers, drink hot tea and spend more time in bed with the blankets on. Tonight the temperature is predicted to drop to 17 F. My thin Carolina blood can't handle it. I'm in for a really long winter.
We went Christmas shopping in Insadong (an open air market in Seoul) this weekend. We only got stuff for about half the people on our list. The whole experience was overwhelming, wandering through stalls of street food and wares. I'm really satisfied with our purchases-- and even more excited about traveling back home in 5 1/2 weeks to give them to people!
Other than the Christmas shopping and a married couples luncheon we attended at our new church we laid low for the weekend. Ergo I don't have much more to tell you guys. But next weekend we're signed up to go on a temple-stay in a 1200 year old temple! That will be really interesting as well as exciting.
Stay warm everyone!

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